Mundon Caravan Site

Hook Farm, Mundon Road, Maldon, Essex. CM9 6PN.
Site Telephone:
07850 935 540
Site Address:

Mundon Caravan Site
is one of hundreds of sites around the UK accepting Fifth Wheels from CCRV. Get in touch with them to find out more.
" Welcome to Hook Farm, Mundon Caravan Site. We are a Certificated Location 5 A night Site from the Caravan Club for 5 vans all year round. All bookings must be made with a valid Caravan Club Membership Number.
Pets welcome
Hard standing
Recycling facilites
Electric Points
Water points
Elson point
BT Fon / Openzone Wireless Internet
Large motorhomes and 5th Wheelers welcome
Please note, we do not have any seasonal pitches "
All details are correct to the best of our knowledge but are subject to change. Contact the owners in advance of making any plans to ensure your vehicle is accepted at the site. Note there are many more suitable sites for 5th wheels in this region.
Please mention this page when you make contact 👍 .